Born in Kishinev, Moldova, 1969 Lives and works in Los Angeles, California
1996 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, Maine
1996 MFA, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
1994 B.Ed, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1992 BFA, York University, Toronto, Canada
2015 Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant
2013 Artistic Innovation Grant, Center for Cultural Innovation
2011 Hatchfund Grant, United States Artists
2008 City of Los Angeles Individual Artist Fellowship (COLA)
2005 J. Paul Getty Trust Fellowship, California Community Foundation (CCF Fellowship)
2004 Artist in Residence, Art Omi International Art Center
2003 George Rickey Fellowship, Yaddo Corporation for the Arts
1996 Matching Fellowship, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture
1994 Teaching Assistantship/Full Tuition Award, University of Southern California
2023 In the Country of Liars, The Tack Room, La Verne, CA
2022 Empire, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Chimera, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA Running Man, ADN Pförtnerhaus, Wende Museum, Culver City, CA
Objekt, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Troika, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Skazka, Young Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Chimera, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA
Pastoral, Mixed Greens, New York City
Wildflower, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Stas Orlovski, VOLTA NY, with Mixed Greens, New York City
House and Garden, Mixed Greens, New York City
Echoes, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Nocturnes, Rio Hondo College Art Gallery, Whittier, CA
Nocturnes, Hillel Gallery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Nocturnes, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Nocturnes, Mixed Greens, New York City
Nocturnes, Nathan Larramendy Gallery, Ojai, CA
Stas Orlovski, Mixed Greens, New York City
Stas Orlovski, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Stas Orlovski, Traywick Gallery, San Fancisco, CA
Stas Orlovski, Mixed Greens, New York City
Stas Orlovski, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Stas Orlovski, Traywick Gallery, Berkeley, CA
Anatomy of the Pleasure Grounds, INMO Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Stas Orlovski, Hiromi Paper, Santa Monica, CA
Stas Orlovski, Dorothy Goldeen Art Advisory, Santa Monica, CA
Stas Orlovski, jennjoygallery, San Francisco, CA
Stas Orlovski: Drawings, curated by Rebecca McGrew, Pomona College Museum of Art, Claremont, CA
Fountains, Wounds and Other Fragments, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
Studies for a Nose Job, Miller Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA
2024 AMcE, Embodiment, Seattle, WA Day Pages, The Chan Gallery, Pomona College, Claremont, CA Practice and Pedagogy, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA Cut Out, curated by Jody Zellen, Beyond Baroque, Venice, CA
The Flower Show, LA Louver, Los Angeles, CA
Eric Beltz, Steve Galloway and Stas Orlovski, Vita Art Center, Ventura, CA Andrea Bersaglieri, LInda King, Stas Orlovski & Cathy Stone, King Studio, Venice, CA
1989: The Post Collapse in Art and Culture, Cerritos College Art Gallery, Cerritos, CA
Los Angeles Printmaking Society 22nd National Exhibition, Mixographia Press, Los Angeles, CA
Found Made, curated by Jody Zellen, Beyond Baroque, Los Angeles, CA
LA Biblioteca: A Los Angeles/Italian Exchanges, The Don B. Huntley Gallery, Cal Poly Pomona, CA A Sharp Wind Throught the Cracks, Monte Vista Projects, Los Angeles, CA
2019 California Artists Portrayed By Wayne Shimabukuro and Their Art, Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art, California State University, San Bernardino, CA
Recent Acquisitions, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
Practice and Pedagogy, Long Beach Museum of Art Xchange, Long Beach, CA
Neverending Summer, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Escape Routes, curated by Amy Chaloupka, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI
Sandeep Mukherjee & Stas Orlovski, Glendale Community College Art Gallery, Glendale, CA
Plus 1, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Surreal/Unreal, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, CA
We Must Risk Delight, curated by Elizabeta Betinski, Venice Biennale, Magazzino del Sale No. 3, Venice, Italy
Moving Pictures: Early Animation and Its Influence, Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Ketchum, ID
Staring Back: The Creation and Legacy of Picasso's Demoiselles d'Avignon, curated by Janie Cohen, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Branches: Trees in Contemporary Art, Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg, Germany
The Press is my Paintbrush, LA Print Space, curated by Mary Sherwood Brock and Linda Lyke, Los Angeles, CA
6018 Wilshire, Edward Cella Art + Architecture, Los Angeles, CA
'Invisible Connections' The Barn Project: 1 - Sun Valley, Harvey Art Projects & Aurobora, Ketchum, ID
Cut & Paste, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, CO
Garden Party, Fellows of Contemporary Art, curated by Carolyn Castano & Hadley Holiday,
Los Angeles, CA
Fever Dreams: Robbie Conal, Amir Fallah, Mark Licari and Stas Orlovski, Koplin Del Rio Gallery,
Los Angeles, CA
Works, 332-248, Marine Salon, Santa Monica, CA
Group Show, Gildar Gallery, Denver, CO
Letters From Los Angeles II, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, CA
(southern) California Drawing, curated by Trevor Norris, Orange Coast College, CA
Influx: Art at LAX, curated by Scott Canty, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
Drawing Surrealism, curated by Leslie Jones, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Stas Orlovski & Raymond Pettibon, V-Scape at Joe’s, Venice, CA
Letters From Los Angeles, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, CA
Strange Worlds/Altered Realities, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Drawing, Another Year in LA, Los Angeles, CA
Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center, curated by Pavel Zoubok and Rachel Lawe, traveling 2011-14 to:
Samek Art Gallery, Bucknell University, Milton, PA; The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, Sedalia, MO; Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY;
Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, ME
Group Show, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco
Group Show, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Dawn Till Dusk, Jen Beckman Gallery, New York, NY
13th Grade, curated by Mary Anna Pomonis, POST, Los Angeles, CA
The California Design Biennial, curated by Louise Sandhaus, Stewart Reed, Frances Anderton and Alissa Walker,
Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA
Acid Rough Luxe: A New Look at Rarely Seen Works, Aurobora Press, San Francisco, CA
Gallery Artists, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Sweet Subversives: Contemporary California Drawing, curated by Amy Grimm, Long Beach Art Museum, CA
Weather Channel, curated by Karen Shaw, Islip Museum of Art, Long Island, NY
Lovable Like Orphaned Kitties and Bastard Children, curated by Kristin Calabrese, The Green Gallery, Milwaukee, WI
X: 10th Anniversary Exhibition, Mixed Greens, New York, NY
Arbores Venerabiles, Wave Hill Glyndor Gallery, Bronx, NY
Paper, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Connections, Overtones Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Reduce Your Viewing Distance, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Visions: Selection from the James T. Dyke Collection of Contemporary Drawings, curated by Townsend Wolfe,
travels to Naples Museum of Art, Naples, Fl and Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AR
City of Los Angeles Artist Fellowship (COLA) Exhibition, Barnsdall Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Flocks & Feathers: Birds in Science, Culture & Art, Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science & Art, Scranton, PA
Impression, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
The Nature of LA: Samantha Fields, Portia Hein, Stas Orlovski, and Andre Yi, Traywick Contemporary, Berkeley, CA
Replica, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Tree Service, Domestic Setting, Los Angeles, CA
Inhale/Exhale, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Mar Vista, Domestic Setting, Los Angeles, CA
Drawn Out, curated by Pam Posey, Sam Francis Gallery, Crossroads School, Santa Monica, CA
The Uncertainty Principle: Drawing in the Golden Age of Worry, curated by Karen Brown, Northern Illinois University Art Museum, Dekalb, IL
A Sense of Place, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Heat Index 2006, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Telling, curated by Kristina Newhouse, Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Afloat, Overtones, Los Angeles, CA
Brave New World, curated by Heather Harmon, Pharmaka, Los Angeles, CA
Wall Works, curated by Brian Tucker, Pasadena City Colllege, CA
Stas Orlovski & Brad Durham, Aurobora Press, San Francisco, CA
New Prints, selected by Kiki Smith, International Print Center New York, NYC
MG Print Portfolio, Mixed Greens, New York City
Exurbia, curated by Patrick Merrill, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA
Passion/Passover, curated by Gordon Fuglie, Our Lady Queen of Angels, Los Angeles, CA
Wall Works, Traywick Gallery, Berkeley, CA
Scott Calhoun, Kenna Moser & Stas Orlovski, Nathan Larramendy Gallery, Ojai, CA
Drawing Show, Koplin Del Rio Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Observations, Carl Berg Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Gallery Artists, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Wicked Thicket, Mixture Contemporary Art, Houston, TX
Mark-Making, curated by Josine Ianco Starrels, Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, OR
Frame of Mind, Domestic Setting, Los Angeles, CA
Freewall, curated by Jody Zellen, Kellogg Art Gallery, Cal Polytechnic University Pomona, CA
Pulp, curated by Carl Berg, Cypress College Art Gallery, Cypress, CA
Aviary, curated by Kristina Newhouse, superior gallery, Cleveland, OH
Tender Landscape, curated by Lisa Ambleck, Dalton Gallery, Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, GA
Breathless, 608 Folsom, curated by Jacqueline Cooper, San Francisco, CA
Gallery Artists, Traywick Gallery, Berkeley, CA
On Paper, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, OR
Hybrids, Glyndor Gallery at Wave Hill, curated by Jennifer McGregor, The Bronx, NY
My Generation, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Creatures that Stir: Symbol and Satire in Animals of Imagination, Palo Alto Art Center, CA
Art On Paper, Weatherspoon Art Museum, curated by Nancy Doll & Ron Platt, Greensboro, NC
S.E. Barnet and Stas Orlovski, Santa Ana College Art Gallery, Santa Ana, CA
Gallery Artists, Traywick Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions Annual Exhibition and Auction, Los Angeles, CA
Cut, Pulled , Colored & Burnt, Hyde Park Art Center, curated by Michael Rooks, Chicago IL
Transfers and Conveyances, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
Dermatone, cherrydelosreyes, curated by Koan Jeff Baysa, Los Angeles, CA
Earthly Delights: Stas Orlovski and Paul Plante, Maxwell Fine Arts, Peekskill, NY
Odd Drawings, Cypress College of Art Gallery, curated by Tyler Stallings, Cypress, CA
New Narratives, Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago, IL
A Skowhegan Decade, Knoedler & Company, New York City
Wet Dreams, 18th Street Arts Complex, Santa Monica, CA
Pulp Friction, Santa Ana College Gallery, Santa Ana, CA
Pin-Up, Bodybuilder & Sportsman Gallery, Chicago, IL
Recent Acquisitions, curated by Robert Johnson, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA
MacGuyver, curated by Mary Leigh Cherry, Crazy Space, Santa Monica, CA
Clear and Present, Andrew Shire Gallery, Los Angeles
Faculty exhibition, Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA
Blurring the Line, RARE, New York City
Big, The Hatch, Los Angeles, CA
Group show, curated by Chloe Ziegler, Coppos Films, Los Angeles, CA
Skin Deep, Patricia Correia Gallery, curated by Jeremy Kidd, Santa Monica, CA
Basic Drawing: Complex Projects, Vincent Price Gallery, curated by Bob Alderette, East Los Angeles College, CA
Sig Alert, Arizona State University Art Museum, Tempe, AZ
Sketch, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, curated by Patrick Merrill, Pomona, CA
The 8th International Print and Drawing Biennial,Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
Looking at the Light, UCLA Hammer Museum of Art Rental and Sales Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Skowhegan alumni, David Beitzel Gallery, New York City
Faculty Exhibition, Helen Lindhurst Gallery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
99 Dollar Show, POST, Los Angeles, CA Group show, Miller Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA
Tweak(ed), curated by Kavin Buck, Ruth Bachofner Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Fragmented Bodies, curated by Patrick Merrill, University Art Gallery, Cal Poly Pomona, CA
Six Rooms, The Dollhouse Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Notions of the Nineteenth Century, curated by Meg Linton, Huntington Beach Art Center, CA
GDI, curated by John O'Brien, Sweeny Gallery, UC Riverside and The Brewery, Los Angeles, CA
Through the Looking Glass, curated by Betty Disney, Cypress College Gallery, Cypress, CA
Dry, curated by Mary Kay Lombino, Miller Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA
Distant Bodies, curated by Ruth Weisberg, the Art Bank, Los Angeles, CA
March Six, curated by Bill Radawec, Ikon Ltd/Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA
Faculty exhibition, Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA
FUN-DING, Catherine Clark Gallery, San Francisco, CA
LACE Benefit Auction, Jan Baum Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Making Order, curated by Elizabeth Pulsinelli, Foundations for Art Resources, Los Angeles, CA
Drawn From LA, Armory Center for the Arts & Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA
Transfigured, curated by Chris Acuna-Hansen, Rio Hondo College Art Gallery, Whittier, CA
VEX: Visual Exchange, Peggy Phelps Gallery, the Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
The Big Night: An Exhibition in Honor of Colin Gardner, Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, CA
Candy Colored Nudes & Lots O' Hairballs, Lindhurst Gallery, University of Southern California
Jarisch, Austin, “1989: The Post Collapse in Art and Culture at Cerritos College”, Art & Cake, Sep 20, 2022. Zellen, Jody, “Stas Orlovski: ‘The Running Man has nowhere to go,” Art Now LA, May 30, 2020. Dambrot, Shana Nys, “Meet An Artist Monday: Stas Orlovski,” LA Weekly, April 27, 2020. Miranda, Carolina, “Running Man at the Wende Museum”, LA Times, February 28, 2020. Zack, Jessica, “Putting the Art in Artificial Intelligence”, Alta, January 6, 2020. Anderson, Claressinka, “On Dreams”, Stas Orlovski: Projections 2012 - 2018 (Catalog), Traywick Contemporary, 2019. Nys Dambrot, Shana , "“Mimetic Projectors", Stas Orlovski: Projections 2012 - 2018 (Catalog), Traywick Contemporary, 2019. Voyage LA Staff, “Check Out Stas Orlovski’s Artwork”, Voyage LA, October 24, 2018. Barrie, Lita. Critic's Pick: "Surreal/Unreal at Jack Rutberg Fine Arts", The Huffington Post, January 13, 2017.
Manning Mylott, Laura. "Interview: Alan Shaffer in Collaboration with Ed Moses at Craig Krull Gallery",, January 4, 2017.
Quinn, Patrick. "The Surrealist Moment at Jack Rutberg Gallery",, December 18, 2016.
Couzens, Julia. "Stas Orlovski at Traywick Contemporary",, May 15, 2016.
Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter. "Video Evolution at Young Projects", Art Talk, KCRW, January 7, 2016.
Zellen, Jody, "Stas Orlovski at Young Projects", Contemporary Art Review LA, September 30, 2015.
Biondin, Alice, "We must risk delight, twenty artists from Los Angeles al Magazzino del Sale 3, Accademia Belle" Arti Venezia, VAM: Venezia Art Magazine, September 25, 2015.
Miranda, Carolina, "Datebook: Zombies of Beijing, Chicano Landscapes, Fountain Sculptures, Los Angeles Times, September 18, 2015.
Nys Dambrot, Shana, "Young Projects: LA's Premiere Video Art Gallery", KCET Artbound, September 2, 2015.
La Biennale di Venezia 2015, "All the World's Futures", catalog, volume two, page 279.
Vikram, Anuradha, "City Among Nations: Los Angeles at the Venice Biennale", KCET Artbound, May 27, 2015.
Napoli, Lisa, "The Woman Who's Bringing LA to the World's Most Influential Art Fair", KCRW Which Way LA, March 25, 2015.
Bramowitz, Julie, "Cartoon Network", Idaho Mountain Express, April 29, 2015.
Kelley, Kevin J, "Art Review: Starring Back, Fleming Museum", Seven Days, February 11, 2015.
Enholm, Molly, "Stas Orlovski, Chimera at Pasadena Museum of California Art", Art LTD, January-February 2015.
Zellen, Jody, "Stas Orlovski: Chimera - Pasadena Museum of California Art", Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, Issue Vol. 42, No.4.
Abrahams, Megan, "Stas Orlovski: Chimera - Pasadena Museum of California Art", Whitehot Magazine, December 2014.
O’Brien, John D. “Stas Orlovski: Pasadena Museum of California Art,” Artillery Magazine, November 4, 2014.
Willis, Holly."Stas Orlovski's Moving Paintings." KCET Artbound, October 14, 2014.
Wood, Eve. “Stas Orlovski,” Artillery Magazine, October 9, 2014.
Miranda, Carolina A. "Datebook: Dreamy stop-motion, German cinema and Andy Warhol's shadows," Los Angeles Times, September 18, 2014.
"Stas Orlovski: Chimera", Artweek.LA, Vol. 164, September 8, 2014.
Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter. "Coming Soon", Art Talk, KCRW, September 4, 2014.
Ray, Hania. "The Dark, Booding Landscapes of LA Artist Stas Orlovski, Artsy Editorial, October 24, 2014.
Konau, Britta, “Piecing together meaning”, The Portland Phoenix, February 12, 2014.
David Accomazzo, “Collage, a century later”, The Boulder Weekly, August 22, 2013.
A. Moret, “Fever Dreams at Koplin Del Rio Gallery”, Art LTD., September 2013.
Nys Dambrot, Shana , "Four Surrealists of the Apocalypse" LA Weekly, July 11, 2013.
Dewitt Cheng, “Stas Orlovski at Traywick Contemporary”, Visual Art Source, September 2013.
Christopher Knight, “Drawing Surrealism shows form’s influence and growth”, Los Angeles Times, December 5, 2012.
LACMA presents the first major exhibition to spotlight Surrealist drawing,, August 22, 2012.
Nys Dambrot, Shana, “LACMA Exhibit Roundup”, LA Weekly, December 27, 2012.
Zoubok, Pavel et al. Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center, catalog.
Shana Nys Dambrot, “Art Trecking with the Berlin Collective”, Art Bound, KCET, December 27, 2012.
Ezrah Jean Black, “The Ratings”, Artillery, Summer 2012.
Leah Ollman, “The directness draws you in”, Los Angeles Times, May 25, 2012.
DeWitt Cheng, “Strange Worlds/Altered Realities”, Visual Art Source, April 2012.
Nys Dambrot, Shana, “Stas Orlovski: House and Garden”, Flavorpill, Editors Pick: Mar/Apr, 2011.
Lauren Viera, “Stas Orlovski at Peter Miller Gallery”, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 11, 2011.
Laura Pearson, “Stas Orlovski: Echoes”, Time Out Chicago, Issue 310: Feb. 3-9, 2011.
Nys Dambrot, Shana, “Stas Orlovski: Echoes”, Flavorpill, Editors Pick: Jan/Feb, 2011.
Hugh Hart, “A Visual Language”, Los Angeles Times, July 25th, 2010.
Dooley, Michael, "Inside the California Design Biennial: 5 Curators Speak", Print Magazine, August 10, 2010.
Nys Dambrot, Shana, Stas Orlovski: Nocturnes, catalog essay, Rio Hondo College Art Gallery, 2010.
Dewitt Cheng, “Stas Orlovski: Nocturnes”, Art Ltd., p.20-21, March/April 2010.
Irene Tsatsos, Common Threads, Shared Spaces: Five Years of Fellowships for Visual Artists from the California Community Foundation catalog, pg 140-141, 2010.
Kerry Kugelman, COLA Awards: City of Los Angeles Announces Artist Fellowship Awards for 2008, Art Ltd., p. 62-63, May 2008.
DeWitt Cheng, “The Nature of LA: Four Southerners Ponder the Human Condition”, East Bay Express, May 7, 2008.
Michael Duncan, “Stas Orlovski”, City of Los Angeles Individual Artist Fellowship Exhibition, catalog, 2008.
Townsend Wolfe, Vision: Selections form the James T. Dyke Collection of Contemporary Drawings, 2008.
_______, Beautiful Decay, Issue U, p.64-65, 2008.
_______, Venart, Sarah. Woodshedding, Published by Brick Books, London, Ontario, Canada, 2008.
_______, Paige West, The Art of Buying Art: An Insider’s Guide to Collecting Contemporary Art, Harper Collins, 2008.
Peter Frank, “Two Three-fers”, LA Weekly, June 22-29, 2006.
_______, Poetry, September Issue 2006.
_______, Sweet Fancy Moses, Book 2, 2005.
John O’Brien, The New Zeitgeist, ArtScene, May 2005.
Joseph Woodard, “One That Might Grow on You”, Los Angeles Times, Dec. 12, 2004.
_________, VC Reporter, Dec. 23, 2004.
Dan Tranberg, “Aviary @Superior Gallery”, Angle, Vol. 2, No. 13, Apr/May 2004.
Charlene Roth, “Freewall at Cal Poly Pomona”, Artweek, June 2004.
Chas Bowie, “On Paper at Elizabeth Leach Gallery”, The Portland Mercury, Vol 3 No. 50, May 15 - 21 2003.
_________, ZYSSYVA, Spring 2003 • #67 • Vol. XIX, No. 1, 2003.
Jennifer McGregor, “Hybrids”, exhibition catalog, Wave Hill Glyndor Gallery, The Bronx, NY, 2003.
Stephanie Cash, “Report From San Francisco”, Art in America, November 2002.
“Weatherspoon Art Museum in Greensboro Features Eagerly Anticipated Biennial”, Carolina Arts, December, 2002.
Platt, Ron, Art on Paper, exhibition catalog, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC, 2002.
Cara Glatt, “Hair and Beauty under a Microscope at HPAC, Hyde Park Herald, September 25, 2002
Michael Rooks, “Cut,Pulled, Colored & Burnt”, catalog, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL.
“Indepth Arts News: Cut, Pulled, Colored and Burnt",, August 26, 2002.
Frank Cebulski, “Stas Orlovski at Traywick Gallery”, Artweek, April 2002.
Peter Frank, "Pick of the Week", LA Weekly, Feb. 8 - 14, 2002.
_______, The Argonaut, January 31, illus., p.14, 2000.
Mary Kay Lombino, "Stas Orlovski", exhibition catalog, jennjoygallery and Montgomery Museum, 1999.
Apollinaire Scherr, "On View", Express, April 26, 1999.
_______, ZYSSYVA, Volume XV, Number 2, Fall 1999, illus., p.86, 1999.
Peter Frank, "Pick of the Week", LA Weekly, April 2-8, 1999.
Ken Takahashi, "World Report: Los Angeles", BT/Monthly Art Magazine Tokyo Bijutsu Techno, vol. 51, Feb. 1999.
Jacqueling Cooper, The Dollhouse Gallery", New Art Examiner, October, 1999.
Leah Ollman, "Something Real Among all the Fakes", Los Angeles Times, September 4, 1999.
Meg Linton, "Notions of the Nineteenth Century", exhibition catalog, Huntington Beach Art Center, 1997.
Rebecca Schoenkopf, "The Shadow Knows" OC Weekly, October 24, 1997.
Lauri Mendenhall, "Clues from the 19th Century", Coast Magazine, October 16, 1997.
Christopher Miles, "Dry", Artweek, Vol. 28, #10, October, 1997.
David Pagel, "Dry Indeed", Los Angeles Times, August 29, 1997.
John O'Brien, "GDI (Pronounced Giddy)", exhibition catalog, The Brewery, 1997.
Scott Sutherland, "Where High Art Shares the Fields With Sheep", New York Times, August 11, 1996.
Art Center College of Design
California Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Long Beach
California College of the Arts
East Los Angeles College
Fellows of Contemporary Art
Long Beach Museum of Art
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb (Artist in Residence)
Norton Simon Museum of Art
Otis College of Art and Design
Pasadena City College
Pomona College
Santa Monica College
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The New York Studio Program
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California Riverside
University of Minnesota, Duluth (Artist in Residence)
University of Southern California
University of Wisconsin, Madison (Visiting Artist)
Whittier College
American Embassy in Belgium
Chevron Corporation
Crocker Art Museum
Davis Art Museum, Wellesley College
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Houston Museum of Fine Arts
LA Metro (Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority)
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Palm Springs Art Museum
Phoenix Art Museum
Progressive Corporation
Samella Lewis Collection of Contemporary Art, Scripps College
Twitter Inc.
University of Southern California
Vincent Price Art Museum, East Los Angeles College
West Collection